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How to Keep a Healthy Heart

Author: ellieocs707@gmail.com 11.08.2008 · Posted in Fitness, Holistic Health

Here are some recommendations of how to change your lifestyle to lower the risks of having a heart attack and dying at an early age.

Fuel for the Body:
The human body needs food to fuel us thru our busy days. Our bodies turn the food we eat into energy we need to keep our body functioning properly. Fried and fatty foods are bad for the body and gum up the works. These types of foods help build blockage in the arteries that deliver the vital supply of blood to and from the heart, and when one of them clogs you have a heart attack. Try switching your diet to broiled fish and chicken, with lots of steamed or raw vegetables. These foods are full of needed nutrients and will help keep your arteries clean and your heart strong.

More and more people find themselves working in offices these days, and it is common for office workers to site in their cubicles snacking throughout the workday. It is very important to balance this with proper exercise. Belonging to a gym is not enough to help you stay healthy. It is important that after you join the gym you actually show up even if it is only twice a week as long as u get a good workout. To help avoid a heart attack and stay in good shape it is important to do a good cardiovascular workout. There are many ways to do this. Most gyms offer aerobic classes as well as having exercise bicycles and treat mills that also allow for a good workout. If a gym if out of your price range there are still things you can do. Renting an aerobics workout DVD at your local video store or just go for a nice walk every evening before going to bed are two great inexpensive ways to get a good workout. When working out you should push yourself at a pace that makes you sweat and raises your pulse but no to the point you can no longer maintain a conversation.

Smoking, drinking and getting high:
Cigarette and pot smoke are two of the leading factors in early heart attacks. Smoke puts poisons in the blood that cause blood clots that can not pass thru the arteries and if they get stuck near the heart it becomes a heart attack if it gets stuck in the brain it becomes a stroke. Smoking also raises the blood pressure in your body which in turn puts more stress on your heart and cardiovascular system. Alcohol and drugs like cocaine, and crack harden the arteries making it more likely that a blood clot will get trapped and that you will have a heart attack as well as putting a high amount of stress on the heart since these drugs speed up your heart rate and if used often can burn your heart out to the point if a heart attack does not kill you it will weaken you to the point where you have to be bed ridden ad hooked up to machines to help you live.

It is important that people start putting more consideration into their lifestyles if they want to make it to old age.

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