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Archive for the ‘Ayurveda’ Category

Pigmento, A panacea for Vitiligo

03.26.2012 · Posted in Ayurveda

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease that causes de pigmentation of skin.  The pigment that determines the color of body, hair and eye.  Common areas of the skin that lose pigment are face, hand leg, arm and genital areas.  In this area white spot are developed. Frequently this white spot will spread.  While the exact ...

Fighting PCOS with Ayurveda

12.25.2011 · Posted in Ayurveda

Polycystic ovary syndrome also known as polycystic ovary disease, which occurs due to imbalances or abnormalities in the hormones. Hormonal abnormalities can make the ovaries produce more eggs. It turn into Cysts and the ovaries become large and studded with numerous cysts. About 5 to10 percentage of woman aged 12 to 45 is suffering from ...

Hair Falling Ayurevda Treatment Tips : Easy And Effective

12.13.2011 · Posted in Ayurveda, Home Remedies

Hair fall has become a very common problem in teenagers, men and women. Sometimes the hair fall is such that people become bald. Now a day’s stress is an important factor for hair fall and Hair loss may cause mental depression in both male and female. With age, the thickness as well the amount of ...

Septilin to boost your immune system

12.12.2011 · Posted in Ayurveda, Herbal Remedies

It’s easier to stop something bad from happening in the first stage than to fix the damage after it has happened. Ayurveda firmly believed in this concept prevention is better than cure. It can help you detoxify and cleanse impurities whilst also being effectively geared towards helping you relax or get energised. Septilin is a ...

For More Pleasure & Better Sexual Health, Addyzoa Is The Answer

11.28.2011 · Posted in Ayurveda

Addyzoa is a type of an Ayurvedic medicine that is used to cure problems in males such as Functional infertility, Asthenospermia, oligospermia as well as Teratospermia. Men face various sex problems at some point or other during their lifetime. During this time they become more irritated, their confidence level drops and they also face various ...

Acne Ayurveda Treatment: A Remedy That Never Failed

11.21.2011 · Posted in Ayurveda

Many teenagers face a skin problem that is commonly known as acne. The main areas where people suffer from acne are the face, scalp, back, chest, shoulders, upper arms and neck. Some time the acne may be the reason for depression in teenagers. Different people give different reasons for acne but according to ayurveda, acne ...