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Medication and Natural Remedies for Anxiety Mental Disorder

Author: makehealtheasy 12.11.2010 · Posted in Alternetive Treatments, Mind

It is necessary for an anxiety patient to understand the situation, if they want relief from symptoms of anxiety permanently. Anxiety disorder manifests in a number of ways but the disorder generally involves the feeling of intense fear or other negative emotions due to an ongoing process of various useless and negative thoughts in their mind interrupting the patient’s social as well as personal activities.

Anxiety disorder medications may relieve anxiety disorder symptoms; their tranquilization blunts details of personality including imitativeness, emotional reactivity, enthusiasm, alertness and insight. Over dose of these antidepressant drugs temporarily disable or permanently destroy good aspects of a person’s personality as much as bad. Drugs used as treatment for anxiety disorders should be phased out gradually under direct supervision of a physician or even expert’ advice.

Anxiety disorder treatments include medication as well as inexpensive therapies. For some, group discussion, speech therapy and public speaking programs have helped patients successfully battling this disorder. Severe anxiety symptoms can be more serious and end up with drastic panic attacks. These symptoms include rapid heartbeat, shivering and often faints causing severe injuries. Constant thoughts of an illogical fear which has no existence or is less likely to happen anytime anywhere in the future, this may results in a severe cardiac arrest leading to death.

An anxiety natural remedy like herbs, shrubs, plants and tree oil can be used as a folk remedy for anxiety and insomnia. Any type of anxiety remedy should be taken with sedatives under medical supervision. Anxiety natural remedies are also used for sleep and seizure disorders. An ancient Chinese healing therapy called shiatsu is practiced as modern anxiety medication. It is a relaxing treatment and can be beneficial for back pain, stress, headaches, whiplash injuries, neck stiffness, join pain and reduced mutability.

Nutritional supplements so far has given satisfactory result to the patients suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. Exercise is always helpful when dealing with an acute anxiety disorder because it helps patient blow off some stress and tension. Exercise charges body muscles and tissues, reactivates body immune system and regularizes blood flow in the entire body. This gives a boost to patient with acute anxiety disorder.

Reduce consumption of tobacco and liquor beverages; if the patient finds difficulty avoiding these toxic substances then he or she can visit a rehab center for more advance treatment. Give complete rest to physical body and mind as rest is a lubricating factor for the entire body.

Anxiety mental disorder is not a core mental illness but it is a kind of behavioral condition. Mental illness is clinical condition which has a biological base. Anxiety disorders are caused by a baseline anxiety level. This can happen through reinforcing anxiety disorder by their repetitive anxious behavior.

Mental illness is very specific and can’t be treated through behavioral treatments alone. They require medicinal attention along with moral and emotional support. Anxiety disorder does not require any medicinal intervention, which is why psychologists have been treating anxiety disorders with psychotherapy for decades.

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  1. Medication and Natural Remedies for Anxiety Mental Disorder | Well Being says:

    [...] the original post: Medication and Natural Remedies for Anxiety Mental Disorder Posted in General Tags: anxiety disorder, emotions-due, feeling, intense-fear, [...]

  2. Medication and Natural Remedies for Anxiety Mental Disorder | Well Being says:

    [...] the original post: Medication and Natural Remedies for Anxiety Mental Disorder Posted in General Tags: anxiety disorder, emotions-due, feeling, intense-fear, [...]

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