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Do Your Feet Hurt? How to Rid Yourself of the pain

Do Your Feet Hurt?

How To Rid Yourself of Plantar Fascitis Pain

Dr. Edward Holtman, D.C.

If you have had plantar fascitis in your feet, in the past five years, you know how tenacious it can be. You might have gone to your family doctor that referred you to a foot doctor (podiatrist).

Side comment: “Ped” as in Pedal. Is the medical term for the foot (Derived from Latin)

To continue: You visited the podiatrist (foot doctor), perhaps for the first time in your life, and he, or she, diagnosed your case as plantar fascitis. Not having a clue as to what they said, you exclaimed “What?”

They then explained that there are ligaments on the bottom of the foot that course from the ball of the foot back to the heel. And, for various reasons, these ligaments become sore and painful.

Reasons for Foot Pain Include (But are not limited to):
·         Standing for long periods of time·         Excess body weight·         Fallen arches·         Sporting activities (tennis, golf, hand ball, squash,           football, baseball, basketball, soccer·         Aging process·         Arthritis of the feet·         Bunions·         Calluses ·         Corns·         Ingrown Toenails

Heel Spurs and Sporting Activities

Many Sporting activities can, because of the pulling and tugging at the insertion of the ligaments on the front lower part of the heel bone, result in the formation of a calcium heel spur. The spur is usually pointed, but is not responsible for the plantar fascitis.

The spur is secondarily responsible for the pain felt in the foot, However, it is soft tissue pain.

The spur, sets up an irritation and swelling of the soft tissue around the spur that causes quite a great deal of pain.

Your podiatrist (foot doctor) probably inquired as to whether, or not, you wear orthotics (arches) in your shoes. If not, I’m sure he or she recommended that you do so. Whereupon he presents you with a hard plastic form of orthotics that feel like boulders to you.

He might also administer a cortisone shot to ameliorate the pain (especially if there is a calcium deposit.) In some cases the podiatrist will place a pad under the arch of the foot, then tape it tightly around and around, and the patient leaves this on for one week. This procedure does help, temporarily.

Excess Walking, Marathoners, and Heel Spurs

Over use of the feet is a strain on the ligaments of the foot, Marathon Runners are other prime candidate for the pain of this condition. Ballet dancers can also be included in this bracket.

What to do?

First, place the correct type of insole in your shoe. More Information here: http://www.tendonrelief.com

This will prepare you for the introduction of a more solid orthotic later. Don’t expect over-night results.

To proceed correctly takes time, but pays dividends in the long run. You will need my guidance during this time (no charge), but it will solve your problem, long term. Call me today! http://tendonrelief.com/contact.php

You can also apply some home P.T. (Physical Therapy). This would include one very special exercise never before thought of by others. (No, not rolling a cold can of soda under the foot!) The exercise effectively restores some of the elasticity back to the ligaments. Order the book here: http://tendonrelief.com/order.php

This reduces the pain of plantar fascitis. You must then also reduce the inflammation around the spur, and the ligaments. Because plantar fascitis tends to go chronic, you must be prepared to deal with it accordingly.

Dr. Holtman speaks from the experience of having had plantar fascitis himself for an extended period of time.

For more information: http://www.TendonRelief.com

Dr. Edward G. Holtman, D.C.—Tendinitis Treatment Specialist

Over 40 years experience in Tendinitis care.

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